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  • This from a letter written a few months after the Origin of Species was published in 1859, addressed to his great American supporter, and sincere Christian, Asa Gray.

    Michael Ruse: Darwinism And The Problem Of Evil Michael Ruse 2011

  • This from a letter written a few months after the Origin of Species was published in 1859, addressed to his great American supporter, and sincere Christian, Asa Gray.

    Michael Ruse: Darwinism And The Problem Of Evil Michael Ruse 2011

  • You could of course adopt some kind of God-directed evolution, as did Darwin's great American friend, the Harvard botanist Asa Gray.

    Michael Ruse: A Darwinian Can Be a Christian, Too 2010

  • That was why when originally conceived, the expedition was to carry a full complement of botanists, mineralogists, and other naturalists, some of whom, notably Asa Gray, were preeminent scholars; others like geologist James Eights had been invited because of previous field work in Antarctica and the southern Pacific.

    United States Exploring Expedition 2009

  • Darwin had been developing his ideas for 20 years, but before that day he had revealed them only to a few close friends and correspondents, including the American botanist Asa Gray.

    A belated celebration of the Evolution Day AYDIN 2009

  • Darwin had been developing his ideas for 20 years, but before that day he had revealed them only to a few close friends and correspondents, including the American botanist Asa Gray.

    It was 150 years ago today: natural selection unleashed AYDIN 2008

  • Darwin had been developing his ideas for 20 years, but before that day he had revealed them only to a few close friends and correspondents, including the American botanist Asa Gray.

    Archive 2008-07-01 AYDIN 2008

  • In a letter to Asa Gray, he wrote: “I cannot persuade myself that a beneficent and omnipotent God would have designedly created the Ichneumonidae with the express intention of their feeding within the living body of caterpillars.”

    The Edge of Evolution Michael J. Behe 2007

  • The only American involvement in this was that he sent two copies to Harvard, to Louise Agassiz and Asa Gray.

    Hollywood, can we just get something clear? 2007

  • The only American involvement in this was that he sent two copies to Harvard, to Louise Agassiz and Asa Gray.

    Archive 2007-10-01 2007


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